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Dreamgrow ja Conversion XL korraldatud Eliitlaager 2015 on selleks korraks läbi. Seitsmendas Eliitlaagris oli osalejaid ligi 200. Esindatud oli 22 riiki. Esinejatena astusid üles 16 maailma tipptegijat. Eliitlaager on turunduskoolitus, mille kolm päeva Laulasmaa Spa hotellis olid täis praktilist teadmiste jagamist , kolleegidega suhtlemist ja õhtuti aitas DJ Craig Sullivan (@optimiseordie) peole hoo sisse anda.
Esinejatelt tuli uskumatult palju praktilist väärtust, mida kohe rakendada:
Noah Kagan
SumoMe, @noahkagan
Move your CTAs higher in your posts, people might not read your whole post through. But everything in the middle and top third.
Noah Kagan to Brian Dean: "Dude…you need to use a popup." #elitecamp2015 @Backlinko @noahkagan
— Mikko Piippo (@mikkopiippo) June 12, 2015
Chris Hexton
Vero, @chexton
Segmentation matters, don’t send out too many emails. Your newsletter is fighting with other emails in the subscribers inbox. Nobody likes waking up to 158 new letters.
Don't send more email, send more considered email @chexton #elitecamp2015
— Kevin Gibbons (@kevgibbo) June 12, 2015
Brian Dean
Backlinko, @backlinko
Don’t do generic pitches, give your visitors something more specialized that they are interested in. Make a direct value proposition. You can link different propositions with different pages, people in the about page are looking for something else then people on a blog post.
Create PDF updates and follow-ups for your posts to be delivered by email, to get more emailing registrations @Backlinko #elitecamp2015
— Aleyda Solis (@aleyda) June 12, 2015
Oli Gardner
Unbounce, @oligardner
If they’re about to buy, don’t too something stupid. Remove unnecessary copy from near your CTAs.
Surprising detail: "Two field forms are on average converting better than one field forms." @oligardner #elitecamp2015
— Mikko Piippo (@mikkopiippo) June 12, 2015
John Ekman
Conversionista! @conversionista
When people want to leave – Ask them why are they unsubscribing? – Make your users think twice if they actually want to leave your service.
Thx everyone for kind tweet love at #elitecamp2015. Here's my preso: "Onboard like Juggernaut" http://t.co/yH2NGdfgMJ
— Chief Conversionista (@Conversionista) June 13, 2015
Peep Laja
ConversionXL, @peeplaja
Somebody else’s test results are useless – they are solutions for somebody else’s problem.
CRO requires an investment in effort and time. It's hard work! @peeplaja #elitecamp2015 pic.twitter.com/EctWzSLWie
— Jeffrey Dorrestijn (@J_Dorrestijn) June 13, 2015
Paul Rouke
PRWD, @paulrouke
Innovative testing – full redesign, radical tests, changing customer journeys – very bold testing.
Over 75 CRO articles in http://t.co/RQTjRuHMbs @paulrouke #elitecamp2015
— Mikko Piippo (@mikkopiippo) June 13, 2015
Marie Polli
ConversionXL, @mariepolli
Measure everything – from the start, so you got the data when you are ready to start testing – Set it up NOW!
Got low traffic? Make BOLD assumtions that result in major conversion uplifts. As to test with small samples @MariePolli #elitecamp2015
— Patrick C. Price (@Idealizer) June 13, 2015
Ton Wesseling
Testing.agency, @tonw
AB Testing is not a solution, it's a methodology. It's part of a continuous optimization process @tonw #elitecamp2015
— Aleyda Solis (@aleyda) June 13, 2015
Paras Chopra
VWO, @paraschopra
Hunches are not knowledge, they are a source of assumptions – think of terms of assumptions that need to be tested, rather than implemented. Minimal viable campaigns to test these assumptions – do low-cost campaigns to find out if your assumptions are true?
VWO's @paraschopra: In ideation phase there is a high risk of building something that nobody wants. #elitecamp2015
— Mikko Piippo (@mikkopiippo) June 13, 2015
Matt Gerhshoff
Conductrics, @mgershoff
Use data to help assign customers to experience – different customers want different experience.
Optimization is balance: Learning Efficiently + Apply "best" rules @mgershoff #elitecamp2015
— Aleyda Solis (@aleyda) June 13, 2015
Craig Sullivan
Optimise or Die, @optimiseordie
Stop copying your competitors – they don’t what they are doing either:
- your customers are not the same
- your site is not the same
- the traffic is not the same
"If your hypothesis doesn't fit into this format, PISS OFF until it does"! @OptimiseOrDie #elitecamp2015 pic.twitter.com/NlTsitETBn
— Nick Boyce (@nickboyce) June 13, 2015
Andre Morys
Web Arts, @morys
I am able to buy ( usability, accessibility, visibility ) > I want to buy > I have to buy ( brand, habit ) – Don’t change your templates, change the people.
The E-Commerce paradoxon @morys #elitecamp2015 pic.twitter.com/eOO2iq2BUW
— Nick Boyce (@nickboyce) June 13, 2015
Aleyda Solis
Orainti, @aleyda
Infinite scrolling can be optimized to become indexable – make no excuses.
From my #elitecamp2015 session yesterday: Key SEO Ingredients in 2015 > https://t.co/Qz9Sm2EiX1
— Aleyda Solis (@aleyda) June 15, 2015
Simo Ahava
Reaktor, @simoahava
Kick ass descriptions for setting up ecommerce for blog #elitecamp2015 pic.twitter.com/IuNQOZxH0I
— kristel kongas (@KristelKongas) June 14, 2015
Priit Kallas
Dreamgrow, @dreamgrow
Award the people – let them know that there is always something else coming up – “if you read this you will get this, after that you will get another bonus”.
Thinking: People are doing it wrong! #cognitivebias #cro http://t.co/Ezhbm3F89W
— Dreamgrow.com (@dreamgrow) June 15, 2015